Day 61 – Haydn: “Clock” Symphony + Symphony No. 95 (CD 61)

After listening to yesterday’s (Day 60) compositions from Falla and Berlioz, today’s album is a breath of fresh air. And I’ve never been one of Haydn’s biggest fans. But this is filet mignon compared to yesterday’s Big Macs. Not that there’s anything wrong with Big Macs. Sometimes – especially when one is in the car, … [Read more…]

Day 60 – Falla: El Amor Brujo + Berlioz: Les Nuits Dete (CD 60)

Right out of the chute, I can tell that the first composition is an opera. I didn’t know that ahead of time. But a woman is serenading me within the first two seconds of the first movement. Today’s album offers two compositions, one from Manuel de Falla (1876-1946) called El Amor Brujo and one from … [Read more…]

Day 56 – Strauss: Also Sprach Zarathustra (CD 56)

In addition to some strange spellings and a few glaring omissions (both having to do with the album-replica CD sleeves), there’s also a fair bit of repetition going on with this Fritz Reiner box set. Case in point: Today’s performance is a repeat – 55 days later! – of the first CD in this set. … [Read more…]