Day 60 – Falla: El Amor Brujo + Berlioz: Les Nuits Dete (CD 60)

Right out of the chute, I can tell that the first composition is an opera. I didn’t know that ahead of time. But a woman is serenading me within the first two seconds of the first movement. Today’s album offers two compositions, one from Manuel de Falla (1876-1946) called El Amor Brujo and one from … [Read more…]

Day 16 – Vienna (CD 16)

This morning’s fare is a hodgepodge of music from four different composers: Johan Strauss II, Carl Maria Weber, Josef Strauss, and Richard Strauss. The overall theme is Vienna. Since I’m not really a fan of Strauss, nor of waltzes as a general rule, I’m not sure I’ll dig today’s CD. But I’m a trooper. I’ll … [Read more…]