Day 32 – Four Composers (CD 32)

When I first looked at today’s album, I thought, “Oh what fresh hell is this?” I continued, uninterrupted. (I’m gracious with my own time that way.) “Is this is a mistake? I’ve already heard Tchaikovsky’s 1812 Overture! In fact, I’ve seen that very album cover already – in this very box se! Is this a … [Read more…]

Day 21 – Mozart Symphonies 40 and 41 (CD 21)

I’m surprised and pleased! This morning’s CD is much more enjoyable than yesterday’s. The performances sound better to me. At least, they’re more robust than what I heard yesterday. Woo-hoo! There are a couple of items from Kenneth Morgan’s book Fritz Reiner Maestro & Martinet that I’d like to mention. First, this from page 214: … [Read more…]

Day 20 – Mozart Symphonies 36 and 39 (CD 20)

Now this is more like it. Whenever I think of Classical music, I think of composers from the Classical period – Haydn, Mozart, Beethoven, et al. Also, I think of Anton Bruckner, who straddled Classical and Romantic, but whose symphonies (to me) seem more Classical than Romantic in their construction. Essentially, I think of composers … [Read more…]

Day 12 – Beethoven Symphony No. 7 (CD 12)

Now this is more like it. As I’ve mentioned, several years ago (July 21, 2018 – December 29, 2018, to be precise) I spent 162 Days with Beethoven “Evaluating Symphonies 1-9 from 18 CD Box Sets.” (Famed conductor Herbert von Karajan was in there twice, with two different box sets. If memory serves, he recorded … [Read more…]

Day 9 Concerto For Orchestra (CD 9)

I admit it: I don’t get Bartok. Oh, I can read who he was and what he accomplished. And I, like many others, am impressed by his credentials. In fact, to be honest, I just learned from his entry on Wikipedia things about him that I didn’t know: Béla Viktor János Bartók; 25 March 1881 … [Read more…]

Day 8 – Mozart Divertimento No. 17 & Eine Kleine Nachtmusik (CD 8)

My listening post today for two Mozart compositions is, actually, tonight. I didn’t get around to listening this morning because I just wanted to sit in a restaurant and eat, not eat while listening to music and writing. Sue me. As it turns out, it’s a good thing I didn’t decide to listen to the … [Read more…]

Day 6 – Brahms Violin Concerto in D (CD 6)

This morning, I return to Brahms, one of my least favorite Classical composers (second only to Haydn as composers I just didn’t get), although this time I am treated to the debut (to my ears, anyway) of Jascha Heifetz, widely regarded as one of the world’s greatest violinists. From his entry on Wikipedia: Jascha Heifetz … [Read more…]