Day 62 – Byron Janis: Schumann + Liszt (CD 62)

I was hooked from the first few seconds of this captivating piece of music. Some musicians, like some compositions (and some recordings), touch me immediately. Pianist Byron Janis is one of those musicians. And this is one of those compositions. And one of those recordings. The Objective Stuff For more about pianist Byron Janis (1928 … [Read more…]

Day 51 – Byron Janis: Liszt, Rachmaninoff (CD 50)

This is just the kind of music I needed this morning to broom the cobwebs out of my mind. Well, a better verb would be jackhammering. Because some of this is really, really loud and busy. On second thought, maybe I’d better turn down the volume a little. I’d like to leave few cobwebs behind … [Read more…]

Day 32 – Four Composers (CD 32)

When I first looked at today’s album, I thought, “Oh what fresh hell is this?” I continued, uninterrupted. (I’m gracious with my own time that way.) “Is this is a mistake? I’ve already heard Tchaikovsky’s 1812 Overture! In fact, I’ve seen that very album cover already – in this very box se! Is this a … [Read more…]

Day 13 – Tchaikovsky 1812 Overture + (CD 13)

I arose this morning, feeling a bit groggy and unsure about plopping my butt in a chair at the local eatery to which I hie myself at 6am most mornings, but then I looked at what today’s musical fare would be (whatever it was would surely beat what the local eatery would be playing over … [Read more…]